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Date of Incident






Indoor climbing



No injury


I was working on a session at an indoor wall. Whilst instructing a group of children I saw a person set off leading. The belayer had a lot of slack out and I recall thinking they would struggle to take in the slakc quickly once the first bolt was clipped.
The belayer did struggle but much more than expected. After a few seconds they hadn't taken in any slack and seemed to be fiddling with something. I couldn't see but expected they had put a grigri on the rope upside down and were taking it off to sort it out. The climber was still going.
I was backing up a child and had the climber lowered off as quickly and safely as possible. I rushed over to the struggling belayer who was just doing up the screw gate again. The climber had been at least at 4th not attached to the rope at all. They had no idea they had been off belay.


Buddy check every time. If something goes wrong tell the climber. It would have been far better for the climber to return to the ground and sort the problem out there.
I expect the belayer was too embarrassed to admit the mistake (they later said they shouted to the climber, they hadn't). The belayer would have looked a lot more stupid had the climber decked from 4th.


Belaying failure or error



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Wearing Helmets?

Rescue Services Involved?


25 May 2021 at 07:45:42

For more advice and guidance on good practices visit BMC skills

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